Co–Producing Justice

What and Why

What and Why?

Exploring the Different Forms, Structures, Values and Effects of Work Integration Social Enterprises and Cooperatives

9.00 am – 4.30 pm on 26th October, 2018


An Introduction To The Complex And Dynamic World Of Social Enterprise

Presenter: Professor Michael Roy of Glasgow Caledonian University

This presentation explains the present interest in social enterprise within a context of continual welfare reform and crises. Drawing principally upon the UK context, this presentation discusses different social enterprise forms that have arisen, often with varying governance arrangements, and the range of social enterprise discourses and traditions that are prevalent. It also raises important questions, such as whether these differences actually matter to the people and communities that social enterprises exist to serve.

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Best Practices in Creating Supportive Legal Frameworks in Policy Environments for Social Firms in Scotland

Presenter: Pauline Graham, Director of Social Firms Scotland

Pauline Graham discusses best practices in creating supportive legal frameworks in policy environments for social firms in Scotland. The extent of the contribution and potential of social enterprise models of employment in both work generation and integration for people with convictions is not well enough understood or recognised. Despite social enterprise having a strong and growing presence in Scotland, underpinned by progressive policy and strategies; there remain a number of barriers to improving the prospects of people with convictions securing and sustaining employment. While these barriers are complex and inter-related, we can start to identify some good practices for a supportive organisational 'cosystem' that could help mitigate some of these barriers. Pauline will discuss, in particular, the role and potential of the Work Integration Social Enterprise (WISE) model, the values and principles that underpin the model, and the supportive eco-system for the development of social enterprise in Scotland. The wider policy landscape around employability, justice, fair work and equalities will be explored - as well as opportunities for social enterprises to do more to deliver better outcomes for people with convictions and those in the care of the Scottish Prison Service.

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Diversity for Change — Governance Models, Plurality of Actors and Transformative EcoSystems

Presenter: Dr Samuel Barco

Dr Barco addresses the mobilisation of resources and how to face systemic change in the area of Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) working in the field of ex-offenders. The need for a plurality types of governance models is highlighted, to develop a more resilient ecosystem and from the point of view of building successful advocacy coalitions and improving systemic social innovations.

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Governance, Value and Social Enterprise — The Role of Democratic Governance in Meaningful Work Generation.

Presenter: Associate Professor Sarah Soppitt, Northumbria University

In this presentation, Prof Soppitt discusses the role of democratic governance in meaningful work generation and social integration. There is a significant amount of literature which identifies that where workers experience meaning from their 'job', it can fulfil an individual’s sense of value and worth, or itself make a broader contribution to finding purpose and direction. The 'value' therefore may not lie in monetary terms, but rather the impact on an individual's life. This paper will examine the ideology of 'good governance' in supporting meaningful work, and the role of stewardship in ensuring that the development of social enterprise and cooperatives remains focused in terms of their value base and proposition.

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Davie in Wonderland: Putting Practice into Policy

Presenter: David Parks, founder of The Skill Mill

David discusses the opportunities and challenges of moving from a grassroots project to scaling up and engaging with policy focused agendas and platforms.

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The Role of Social Cooperatives in Supporting Social Integration and Desistance

Presenter: Dr Beth Weaver, University of Strathclyde

Developments in social policy and penal practices across Europe have made little progress in addressing barriers to and creating opportunities for employment for people involved in the criminal justice system. In this presentation, Dr Weaver reports on an exception to this norm in the form of social cooperatives, drawing on an ESRC funded study, which analysed the ways in which prison and community-based social cooperatives, in Italy and Sweden, and social enterprises in the U.K work to support social integration and desistance. The study sought to understand the complicated, whole-greater-than-parts qualities of how and under what conditions work provides a sense of identity, place, belonging and hope. Social cooperatives, it is argued, play a distinct role in supporting social integration and desistance to the extent that the culture of the cooperative is shaped by cooperative values. Indeed, the cultural and relational environment of a social cooperative is as significant to job satisfaction, social integration, and wider processes of change as participation in paid work. Participants described their experiences as being as much a process of resocialisation as a means of work integration. Where social cooperatives are embedded in and inclusive of the local community, they can ameliorate some of the stigma experienced by multiply-marginalised employees and encourage their social integration through opportunities to exercise active citizenship and develop economic, human and social capital.

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Conceptualising Social Enterprise as a Health and Wellbeing Intervention

Presenter: Professor Michael Roy of Glasgow Caledonian University

In this presentation, Prof Roy discusses his research undertaken in Scotland, which focuses on the differences that social enterprises make to people – often vulnerable people – in communities. Through a critical realist-inspired analysis of practitioner discourses, an empirically informed conceptual model is presented of the ways in which social enterprises can impact upon health and well-being, thus providing a solid platform for future research on this topic.

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